Four Ways To Improve Your Mental and Physical Health In The Coming Year
The end of the year is a time to reflect on the wonderful things that have happened in the past 12 months and give thanks. Whether it’s spending time with family, getting that promotion, being in good health, or taking the trip of a lifetime, we all have many reasons to give thanks!
But, as the new year comes approaching you may be wondering how to improve your health to make next year even better than 2018! Here are four ways to improve your mental and physical health in the coming year!
1: Spend Time In Nature and On Vacation
Life in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex can be hectic! From the hustle and bustle of city life to work exhaustion, sometimes, it’s time to get away!
If you’re like most Americans, you don’t cash in all of your PTO. But according to vacations can reduce stress, help to prevent heart disease, improve productivity, and lead to better sleep!
Not enough paid time off to get the stress relief you need? According to Science Daily, “A new report published today reveals that exposure to greenspace reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, preterm birth, stress, and high blood pressure.” So, get out there, take a hike, lay out in the sunshine (with plenty of sunscreen) and feel your worries melt away!
2: Get Enough Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep? Adults should be getting 7 to 8 hours a night. But just getting 5 will get you through the day, right?
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, While missing a few hours now and then won’t kill you, prolonged sleep deficiency can increase your risk of developing heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. So do yourself a favor and hit the hay on time! You’ll be astonished by how much better you feel.
3: Stop Drinking Soda
If you’re still drinking soda, make 2019 the year you quit!
The sugary carbonated drinks so popular in the US, can have serious effects on your health. For instance, two sodas a day can double your risk of dying from heart disease. Additionally, soda dramatically increases your risk of becoming obese.
Think diet soda is safe? Think again. In regular diet soda drinkers, the average waist size increases 4x more rapidly than that of a someone who abstains from diet soda. And with increased weight comes increased health risks.
4: Meditate
One great thing someone can do to improve their mental well-being is meditating. I know what you’re thinking: “Cross my legs on a yoga mat and say “ohm”? How is that going to help my mental state?”
You would be surprised! According to Healthline, meditation not only reduces stress, but it can also lengthen your attention span, improve sleep, help decrease blood pressure, and can even help with pain management. Plus, you don’t need to say “Ohm” on a yoga mat. You can meditate almost anywhere: on the bus, at home, at your desk-- no guru required. Not sure where to start. The App Store has plenty of free meditation apps to help you on your journey to a healthier you!
This article is just a sample of great ways to improve your health. If you’re looking to quit smoking, lose weight, start an exercise regiment, or even need a little kick start on your health journey, come on by to Hillcrest Medical! Dr. Padilla and his expert staff can help you achieve your best and healthiest self in 2019!